Free Printable Cut and Paste Preschool Themes, Crafts, Lessons and Activities

Looking for free printable preschool and elementary cut and paste paper crafts for holidays, patriotic celebrations, religious themes, school themes, math activities, social studies and science crafts and lesson plans? Check out Making Learning printable preschool crafts

Free Printable Preschool Felt Board Stories, Patterns, Templates and Stencils

Felt boards are a teaching tool used in preschool classes to teach lessons and tell stories by illustrating with felt pieces. When I was a kid, we called them Flannel-Graph boards. My mom taught Sunday School and had a board with several backgrounds and lots of flannel-backed paper pictures. But you don't need to buy them. Make your own with free printable felt board patterns, templates, stencils and stories. Click here

Green, Recycled Crafts Supplies Organization

When I homeschooled our four children, we lived on one income in a mobile home. Space and money was limited. Here is my diy, budget homeschooling materials list. I've included organization and storage tips, using  shoe boxes, plastic laundry bins and plastic bins with drawers. Read on for how to

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